Monday, October 25, 2010
Basic Business Management Skills
The verb manage hails from the Italian word ‘maneggiare’ which means ‘handling’ (especially a horse), which is derived from the Latin word manus meaning hand. In the 17th and 18th centuries, meaning of the English word management evolved from the French word ‘mesnagement’. Management is the art of getting things done through people, says Mary Parker Follett.
Frenchman Henri Fayol describes management as being a composition of five functions namely planning, organizing, leading, co-ordination and control.
The ability of directed thinking to develop a business is a management skill. Another attribute possessed by a skilled manager is the willingness to strive to deploy effectiveness. The management guru Peter Drucker made a distinction between efficient and effective business skills. According to him, performing an activity swiftly and economically is ‘efficient’, while doing the right thing well is ‘effective’. Good business management skills lead you towards the right goals, but doing the wrong thing is the exercise of efficiency to no avail. Learn to prioritize your business activities. Understand what’s important for the business and differentiate it from what is urgent.
As a manager, you should be able to understand the weaknesses of the organization and try to improve in them. You must be able to concentrate on the threats to your business and fight them effectively. You should have the skill to endure every setback and learn from your mistakes. Successful business development strategies used by others, help you device your own. This is when your skill to ‘experiment’ comes in the scene. Experimentation has to be accompanied by skillful judgment of your actions and results.
Business management includes management of money and time. Being a manager, you have to time yourself and schedule tasks for your team, so that deadlines are met. Management of money is an integral part of running a business. The activities of buying, selling and pricing have to be done skillfully. Business management requires a large skill set. It is everything right from planning, supervising, right up to being the spokesperson for your business.
People skills, as they are nowadays called, are important for a manager to acquire. After all, management is about handling people. Bringing out the potential in the people of your team is a skill. Stonewallers need to be dealt with, by motivating them towards constructive change. You need to improve yourself and imbibe in the minds of others that improvement is a continuous process. Learn to celebrate the success of staff members always encourage them to contribute to the fullest of their capacities, towards the business organization. This helps create enthusiasm in the staff. It’s a human psychology to work to get noticed. Human expects recognition for his work. So encourage your team members to put in their best and congratulate them for doing that. It is a good practice to assign relatively experienced employees as buddies to the new ones.
You need to have excellent communication skills to be a good manager! Being able to convey your idea to the people, and getting work done form them is a skill. Communication encompasses a range of activities, right from internal communication in your organization up to your business negotiations. Thus it requires for you to be a good communicator for the growth of your business.
Foresight is another skill to be acquired. You need to sense trouble ahead of time. You need to be prepared for it and plan accordingly. You are required to think ahead. Think far so that your business targets seem near!
Management skills are about taking the right decisions at the right time and getting them implemented by the right people!
Frenchman Henri Fayol describes management as being a composition of five functions namely planning, organizing, leading, co-ordination and control.
- Planning: - Planning involves identification of your business goal and the way to reach it. It involves the estimation of the costs that will be incurred and evaluation of the time required to attain the business goal. A business plan has to be documented and reviewed on a regular basis. A plan is worth it if the attainment of the business goal is feasible with the planned resources. You need to communicate your plan to your employees and accept their feedback.
- Organizing: - It involves the assignment of tasks and allocation of resources throughout the business organization. It includes determining the primary goals of the business and strategies to reach them. Divide the activities into tasks and assign the tasks to suitable and deserving employees.
- Leading: - Leadership is a management skill in itself. A true leader inculcates feelings of confidence, admiration in the followers and a sense of commitment towards their business. A leader, through his efficiency and effectiveness, influences the others to act efficiently and effectively. Transformation is the need of the day and such leaders ought to foster flexibility. Being innovative is important for a leader and it is again a skill. Delegation is an activity of leading. It is allocation and entrustment of responsibility. A leader not only dreams but also provides the employees with a framework for the fulfillment of his dreams.
- Coordination and Control: - They are important for the success of a business. Coordination is the process of communication to track the activities towards the goal and make decisions about the next line of action. Control is better implemented in the form of prudent guidance given to the employees by their manager. Evaluations are necessary to evaluate business performance.
The ability of directed thinking to develop a business is a management skill. Another attribute possessed by a skilled manager is the willingness to strive to deploy effectiveness. The management guru Peter Drucker made a distinction between efficient and effective business skills. According to him, performing an activity swiftly and economically is ‘efficient’, while doing the right thing well is ‘effective’. Good business management skills lead you towards the right goals, but doing the wrong thing is the exercise of efficiency to no avail. Learn to prioritize your business activities. Understand what’s important for the business and differentiate it from what is urgent.
As a manager, you should be able to understand the weaknesses of the organization and try to improve in them. You must be able to concentrate on the threats to your business and fight them effectively. You should have the skill to endure every setback and learn from your mistakes. Successful business development strategies used by others, help you device your own. This is when your skill to ‘experiment’ comes in the scene. Experimentation has to be accompanied by skillful judgment of your actions and results.
Business management includes management of money and time. Being a manager, you have to time yourself and schedule tasks for your team, so that deadlines are met. Management of money is an integral part of running a business. The activities of buying, selling and pricing have to be done skillfully. Business management requires a large skill set. It is everything right from planning, supervising, right up to being the spokesperson for your business.
People skills, as they are nowadays called, are important for a manager to acquire. After all, management is about handling people. Bringing out the potential in the people of your team is a skill. Stonewallers need to be dealt with, by motivating them towards constructive change. You need to improve yourself and imbibe in the minds of others that improvement is a continuous process. Learn to celebrate the success of staff members always encourage them to contribute to the fullest of their capacities, towards the business organization. This helps create enthusiasm in the staff. It’s a human psychology to work to get noticed. Human expects recognition for his work. So encourage your team members to put in their best and congratulate them for doing that. It is a good practice to assign relatively experienced employees as buddies to the new ones.
'Coming together is a beginning.
Keeping together is progress.
Working together is success.’
–Henry Ford
You need to have excellent communication skills to be a good manager! Being able to convey your idea to the people, and getting work done form them is a skill. Communication encompasses a range of activities, right from internal communication in your organization up to your business negotiations. Thus it requires for you to be a good communicator for the growth of your business.
Foresight is another skill to be acquired. You need to sense trouble ahead of time. You need to be prepared for it and plan accordingly. You are required to think ahead. Think far so that your business targets seem near!
Management skills are about taking the right decisions at the right time and getting them implemented by the right people!
Difficult People: How to Deal With Them
No one’s perfect, that's a fact. But what do you do when someone you know irritates you so much that you get tense every time you see them? Whether it’s a coworker, friend, neighbor, relative, or anyone else, how can you shield yourself from their difficult behavior, and resolve the conflict without causing further distress?
Maybe you can’t change the person that is driving you crazy, but there may be something you can do to prevent further conflict. It’s true that you may not be able to control the other person, but you can control your own behavior. Depending on the reason for the annoyance, you may be able to diffuse negative behavior simply by the way you handle yourself in the situation. But first, you must understand the root of the conflict.
People usually react the way they do because they are triggered by an emotion. Whether they understand the underlying factor that is causing their behavior is another matter. But even if they don’t understand the point of their frustration, you may be able to figure it out. Therefore, the first step in dealing with a difficult person is understanding why they are behaving the way they are. In my experience, the real reason for the conflict is rarely the obvious one, so taking the extra time to look deeper into the situation can only work to your benefit.
To do this, take a step back and observe not only how they treat you, but also how they treat others. Are there similarities between the two? Do they treat some people better than others, and if so, why do you think this is? Could it be a simple personality conflict, or is their behavior caused by a deeper issue? Understanding why the person is behaving the way they are is the first step, and quite frankly, the key to determining how to resolve the conflict at hand.
Once you feel as though you understand why the person is behaving the way they are, the next step is to try and figure out your role in the situation. Are they angry with you specifically, or do they seem to have trouble interacting with others as well? If it seems to be isolated to you alone, try to figure out why this may be. Is it really because you did something that they didn’t like, or could it be another reason, like a difference of opinion, or a simple misunderstanding that has gotten out of control? There are a thousand possible reasons why people don’t get along, so it may take some time and effort to figure out why this is the case. Regardless of the reason, figuring out your role in the situation is another critical step in accomplishing the ultimate goal: understanding why the conflict exists, and doing something to resolve it to the best of your ability.
Once you feel as though you understand your role, the next step is to decide if you can make changes to your own behavior in order to accomplish your goal. Now, this probably doesn’t seem fair. After all, why should you have to change the way you behave in order to please another who is being difficult? Well, the simple fact remains that if the situation is causing you distress, then something must change, and since how you handle the situation can make a difference, it may be worth putting forth the effort to make it better. In fact, sometimes the best way to diffuse a situation is to stay calm and repeat back to them your understanding of the issue. It’s amazing how helpful this tool can be when you are caught in a confrontational situation.
When at all possible, try communicating with the person directly. Sometimes having an open conversation can resolve misunderstandings and help both parties understand the other’s point of view. I understand that this is not always possible. But in the end, if coming to a resolution is the ultimate goal, an open conversation may be worthwhile. After all, sometimes having a difficult conversation is better than remaining in an unpleasant situation.
There’s no doubt that people can be difficult to deal with, but by keeping the ultimate goal in mind, and taking a little time to understand the conflict, you can take the first step toward conflict resolution. It may take time and multiple attempts before you succeed. You may even have to alter your plan along the way. But if you can reach your goal, no matter how difficult, you may be able to significantly reduce tension between the two of you, resulting in a better relationship in the future.
Maybe you can’t change the person that is driving you crazy, but there may be something you can do to prevent further conflict. It’s true that you may not be able to control the other person, but you can control your own behavior. Depending on the reason for the annoyance, you may be able to diffuse negative behavior simply by the way you handle yourself in the situation. But first, you must understand the root of the conflict.
People usually react the way they do because they are triggered by an emotion. Whether they understand the underlying factor that is causing their behavior is another matter. But even if they don’t understand the point of their frustration, you may be able to figure it out. Therefore, the first step in dealing with a difficult person is understanding why they are behaving the way they are. In my experience, the real reason for the conflict is rarely the obvious one, so taking the extra time to look deeper into the situation can only work to your benefit.
To do this, take a step back and observe not only how they treat you, but also how they treat others. Are there similarities between the two? Do they treat some people better than others, and if so, why do you think this is? Could it be a simple personality conflict, or is their behavior caused by a deeper issue? Understanding why the person is behaving the way they are is the first step, and quite frankly, the key to determining how to resolve the conflict at hand.
Once you feel as though you understand why the person is behaving the way they are, the next step is to try and figure out your role in the situation. Are they angry with you specifically, or do they seem to have trouble interacting with others as well? If it seems to be isolated to you alone, try to figure out why this may be. Is it really because you did something that they didn’t like, or could it be another reason, like a difference of opinion, or a simple misunderstanding that has gotten out of control? There are a thousand possible reasons why people don’t get along, so it may take some time and effort to figure out why this is the case. Regardless of the reason, figuring out your role in the situation is another critical step in accomplishing the ultimate goal: understanding why the conflict exists, and doing something to resolve it to the best of your ability.
Once you feel as though you understand your role, the next step is to decide if you can make changes to your own behavior in order to accomplish your goal. Now, this probably doesn’t seem fair. After all, why should you have to change the way you behave in order to please another who is being difficult? Well, the simple fact remains that if the situation is causing you distress, then something must change, and since how you handle the situation can make a difference, it may be worth putting forth the effort to make it better. In fact, sometimes the best way to diffuse a situation is to stay calm and repeat back to them your understanding of the issue. It’s amazing how helpful this tool can be when you are caught in a confrontational situation.
When at all possible, try communicating with the person directly. Sometimes having an open conversation can resolve misunderstandings and help both parties understand the other’s point of view. I understand that this is not always possible. But in the end, if coming to a resolution is the ultimate goal, an open conversation may be worthwhile. After all, sometimes having a difficult conversation is better than remaining in an unpleasant situation.
There’s no doubt that people can be difficult to deal with, but by keeping the ultimate goal in mind, and taking a little time to understand the conflict, you can take the first step toward conflict resolution. It may take time and multiple attempts before you succeed. You may even have to alter your plan along the way. But if you can reach your goal, no matter how difficult, you may be able to significantly reduce tension between the two of you, resulting in a better relationship in the future.
Ways to Deal with Difficult People
There are many times when you cannot simply hold your patience and you lose your temper. This generally results in bad consequences which you regret facing. Most of such conditions arise because we just get into a fight with difficult people, at the workplace or in any other situation. Difficult people can be referred to as peers who irritate you by their behavior or a boss who is extraordinarily demanding. Such people can even be those who are experts in humorous insults and bad comments, start a fight for a simple reason, or even those who complain a lot and want everything done in their way. There are some very simple tips that will help you solve the problem of dealing with difficult people at work place. If you want to know how to deal with difficult people at work or anywhere else, read on.
Tips on How to Deal with Difficult People
Think Before you Speak: The best method in avoiding a conflict with difficult people is to think before you speak a word or present a viewpoint. You first need to assess the results of what you are going to say, and then only decide whether it is better to speak. It is well said that if we learn to control our tongue, we can prevent most disputes.
Change your Attitude Temporarily: One of the good ways to deal with difficult people is to change your attitude temporarily. For avoiding conflicts with an annoying person, it is suggested to behave in a way which will seem appropriate for that person. On the other hand, you can behave in a normal way with other people. Try to adjust to the situation for ruling out possibilities of fights and disputes.
Appreciate Difficult People: Those thinking how to handle difficult people should always appreciate such individuals. You can in no way avoid conflicts if you point out their negative points. It has been observed that if such people are appreciated, they do not seem 'difficult' at all. When it comes to dealing with intolerable employees, try to focus much on their positive points.
Do not be Personal and Share Secrets: When it comes to dealing with difficult people at the workplace, you should not be too personal with them and share your secrets. If they have nothing to talk bad about, there arises no question of conflicts. It is not that you should avoid unpleasant individuals at the office, but you should make sure you do not get too close to them.
Control your Anger and Frustration: Controlling anger and being patient is the key to handle difficult people. If you say or do something in an angry mood, you may have to face unfortunate situations further. Therefore, it is better to be silent and not share something that will provoke such people to get into a verbal fight.
Be Clear and Make Them Understand: If you are asking how do you deal with difficult people, remember to be clear and direct in your conversation. Make such people understand that a fact is a fact, and it will not change even if they think the other way. However, you need to be tactful in doing so, or it may lead to a conflict.
These are some simple tips on how to deal with difficult people. Do not take the behavior and responses of difficult people very personally. Also do not ever be under the impression that you can change such people. While handling difficult people at work, you should consider corporate policies for creating and maintaining a healthy work environment.
Tips on How to Deal with Difficult People
Think Before you Speak: The best method in avoiding a conflict with difficult people is to think before you speak a word or present a viewpoint. You first need to assess the results of what you are going to say, and then only decide whether it is better to speak. It is well said that if we learn to control our tongue, we can prevent most disputes.
Change your Attitude Temporarily: One of the good ways to deal with difficult people is to change your attitude temporarily. For avoiding conflicts with an annoying person, it is suggested to behave in a way which will seem appropriate for that person. On the other hand, you can behave in a normal way with other people. Try to adjust to the situation for ruling out possibilities of fights and disputes.
Appreciate Difficult People: Those thinking how to handle difficult people should always appreciate such individuals. You can in no way avoid conflicts if you point out their negative points. It has been observed that if such people are appreciated, they do not seem 'difficult' at all. When it comes to dealing with intolerable employees, try to focus much on their positive points.
Do not be Personal and Share Secrets: When it comes to dealing with difficult people at the workplace, you should not be too personal with them and share your secrets. If they have nothing to talk bad about, there arises no question of conflicts. It is not that you should avoid unpleasant individuals at the office, but you should make sure you do not get too close to them.
Control your Anger and Frustration: Controlling anger and being patient is the key to handle difficult people. If you say or do something in an angry mood, you may have to face unfortunate situations further. Therefore, it is better to be silent and not share something that will provoke such people to get into a verbal fight.
Be Clear and Make Them Understand: If you are asking how do you deal with difficult people, remember to be clear and direct in your conversation. Make such people understand that a fact is a fact, and it will not change even if they think the other way. However, you need to be tactful in doing so, or it may lead to a conflict.
These are some simple tips on how to deal with difficult people. Do not take the behavior and responses of difficult people very personally. Also do not ever be under the impression that you can change such people. While handling difficult people at work, you should consider corporate policies for creating and maintaining a healthy work environment.
Know Your Boss At Work..............
It is one very significant and important aspect of our working lives, which we need to manage and often forget to, is our relationship with our boss. No matter how difficult and tyrant your boss might be you have to always keep cordial and friendly relations with him because after all he is accountable for you and just as he need your co-operation he is also there to help you out in your difficult times.
You have to remember to work as a team and though at times you may be really mad at him or you may not be agreeable to his plans and ideas but if it is necessary for the benefit of the company you always should stand by you. Never take out your personal indifferences with your boss on the unity and integrity of the company as a whole. And after all your boss might not be a bad person at all. All you have to do is get to know him and you might be amazed to know that he is a gem of a person.
Here are a few tips experts recommend for a harmonious and productive relationship with your boss:
Don't try to change your boss if he is difficult on you or if you dislike him.
Instead, try to understand him and his manner of working and make an attempt to adjust accordingly. Find out what aspects of work he is particular about and pay extra attention to those. You can learn many things from your boss and gain from his experience and exposure to work.
Try to understand you boss.
Try to know what he likes best and what he hates. After all he is a human and he will have his strengths and weaknesses. Don't look down on him or focus on his negative aspects. Develop a positive attitude towards him. He might be a great person but probably your negative attitude is keeping you from seeing his good qualities and virtues.
Keep him/her informed.
The boss doesn't like to hear about things from other people. Always inform him first whether it is the latest development on your project, an issue in the office or even a personal concern. And never surprise him with new information in public. It might insult his feelings and trust in you might be lost.
Include him/her in get together or any team activity.
Make your boss feel like a part of the family, not an outsider. He will appreciate your acceptance and friendly gesture. Always value his opinion.
Always give him a helping hand and ask how you can contribute.
Your boss will definitely value an offer which makes his task easier without him have to ask you to help him out. So always ask if you can help in any way to make his current project successful.
Make sure you keep your word when you give it.
If you think you wouldn't be able to accomplish something in the given time frame or within the given parameters, provide alternatives. Instead of flatly refusing try "I won't be able to do this by tomorrow but if you give me one more day I can."
Try to build a rapport.
Be close to your boss. Get to know him not as a boss but as a person. There is nothing like forging a bond with your boss. Once both of you build an understanding, you will be able to work better and communicate more effectively. But to achieve this goal and developing this will require some effort on your part. You will have to adjust yourself to your bosses needs and moods.
Never talk bad about your boss behind his back.
Things have a way of getting around and even people with the best of intentions can accidentally let things slip out of their mouth. In a professional environment, it is best to never crib about your boss. You may have said things in the heat of the moment after a bad experience with your boss, but when your boss hears them, his attitude towards you might just change for the worse. So it is always better to control your emotions and keep them to yourself.
Flattery works.
It is a fact that most human beings like to be complimented and appreciated. And a person who receives positive comments from you will generally feel positive about you. But make sure that your flattery is not too insincere.
You have to remember to work as a team and though at times you may be really mad at him or you may not be agreeable to his plans and ideas but if it is necessary for the benefit of the company you always should stand by you. Never take out your personal indifferences with your boss on the unity and integrity of the company as a whole. And after all your boss might not be a bad person at all. All you have to do is get to know him and you might be amazed to know that he is a gem of a person.
Here are a few tips experts recommend for a harmonious and productive relationship with your boss:
Don't try to change your boss if he is difficult on you or if you dislike him.
Instead, try to understand him and his manner of working and make an attempt to adjust accordingly. Find out what aspects of work he is particular about and pay extra attention to those. You can learn many things from your boss and gain from his experience and exposure to work.
Try to understand you boss.
Try to know what he likes best and what he hates. After all he is a human and he will have his strengths and weaknesses. Don't look down on him or focus on his negative aspects. Develop a positive attitude towards him. He might be a great person but probably your negative attitude is keeping you from seeing his good qualities and virtues.
Keep him/her informed.
The boss doesn't like to hear about things from other people. Always inform him first whether it is the latest development on your project, an issue in the office or even a personal concern. And never surprise him with new information in public. It might insult his feelings and trust in you might be lost.
Include him/her in get together or any team activity.
Make your boss feel like a part of the family, not an outsider. He will appreciate your acceptance and friendly gesture. Always value his opinion.
Always give him a helping hand and ask how you can contribute.
Your boss will definitely value an offer which makes his task easier without him have to ask you to help him out. So always ask if you can help in any way to make his current project successful.
Make sure you keep your word when you give it.
If you think you wouldn't be able to accomplish something in the given time frame or within the given parameters, provide alternatives. Instead of flatly refusing try "I won't be able to do this by tomorrow but if you give me one more day I can."
Try to build a rapport.
Be close to your boss. Get to know him not as a boss but as a person. There is nothing like forging a bond with your boss. Once both of you build an understanding, you will be able to work better and communicate more effectively. But to achieve this goal and developing this will require some effort on your part. You will have to adjust yourself to your bosses needs and moods.
Never talk bad about your boss behind his back.
Things have a way of getting around and even people with the best of intentions can accidentally let things slip out of their mouth. In a professional environment, it is best to never crib about your boss. You may have said things in the heat of the moment after a bad experience with your boss, but when your boss hears them, his attitude towards you might just change for the worse. So it is always better to control your emotions and keep them to yourself.
Flattery works.
It is a fact that most human beings like to be complimented and appreciated. And a person who receives positive comments from you will generally feel positive about you. But make sure that your flattery is not too insincere.
พ่อกับแม่ไม่มีเงินทองจะกองให้ จงใฝ่ใจพากเพียรเรียนหนังสือ
หากขาดความรู้เป็นเครื่องมือ เพื่อยึดถือไว้ใช้จนวันตาย
พ่อกับแม่มีแต่จะแก่เฒ่า จะเลี้ยงเจ้าเรื่อยไปนั้นอย่าหมาย
ใช้วิชาความรู้ไว้เลี้ยงกาย ลูกสบายแม่กับพ่อก็ชื่นใจ
พ่อแก่ – แม่เฒ่า
พ่อแม่ก็แก่เฒ่า จำจากเจ้าไม่อยู่นาน
จะพบจะพ้องพาน เพียงเสี้ยววานของคืนวัน
ใจจริงไม่อยากจาก เพราะยังอยากเห็นลูกหลาน
แต่ชีพมิทนทาน ย่อมร้าวรานสลายไป
ขอเถิดถ้าสงสาร อย่ากล่าวขานให้ช้ำใจ
คนแก่ชะแลวัย คิดเผลอไผลเป็นแน่นอน
ไม่รักก็ไม่ว่า เพียงเมตตาช่วยอาทร
ให้กินและให้นอน คลายทุกข์ผ่อนพอสุขใจ
เมื่อยามเจ้าโกธรขึ้ง ให้นึกถึงเมื่อเยาว์วัย
ร้องไห้ยามป่วยไข้ ได้ใครเล่าเฝ้าปลอบโยน
เฝ้าเลี้ยงจนโตใหญ่ แม้เหนื่อยกายก็ยอมทน
หวังเพียงจะได้ยล เติบโตจนสง่างาม
ขอโทษถ้าทำผิด ขอให้คิดทุกทุกยาม
ใจแท้มีแต่ความ หวังติดตามช่วยอวยชัย
ต้นไม้ที่ใกล้ฝั่ง มีหรือหวังอยู่นานได้
วันหนึ่งคงล้มไป ทิ้งฝั่งไว้ให้วังเวง
In Sree Racha, Chonburi. After the factory visit; we invited our clients for lunch. The area is very very very famous for one restaurant. I really mean only 'one' restaurant. There is nothing around for miles & miles. However; it seems like everyone knows this particular restaurant. This restaurant is so famous because all it serves is ...chicken!

That's right...everything is chicken! You will soon see the photos. The decor is very 70's, heavy wood chairs & tables. Nothing very exciting in terms of decor because as usual, the food is the main attraction.

The sign that says...this is the most famous place for chicken!

The first dish was roasted chicken. The chicken was very tender, moist and tasted very yummy.

The second dish was chicken with sweet Thai basil. This is one of my favourite dishes but here they prepared it a bit differently than usual. Instead of mincing the chicken, the chicken came in big chunks. But that did not change the fact that this dish was so so good.

The next dish was stir fried vegetables with chicken. Nothing very special about this dish; but the vegetables were cooked nicely and they were very fresh.

The famous green & spicy sauce to dip the chicken. Amazingly tasty and spicy. My scalp was itching after every time I ate the chicken that was dipped into the sauce.

The next dish was deep fried chicken. The chicken was fried to a deep brown, it was very crispy but the inside was moist & tender. I do love fried foods and this was satisfying.

The next dish was chicken tom yum. The soup was hearty with so much chicken, mushrooms, bamboo, lemon grass, etc. The combination of sour, sweet, tangy and spicy was really great. The soup had loads of textures, colours and tastes. Simply wonderful.

The next dish was omelette. Another favourite comfort dish of mine. So so simple but yet so satisfying. The omelette was deep fried to a golden brown, slighty firm on the outside but so soft and tender on the inside.

The next dish was som tum (the only dish without chicken). We wanted som tum to go with the fried chicken. The som tum was a lovely blend of sour, sweet, tangy & spicy. As any som tum; tons of textures, colours and tastes. I can eat this everyday.

Even the restaurant has its own labeled chicken water.

The chillies that the staff cuts to make the famous sauce...ouch, those little green things looked spicy.

The candied pineapple for dessert.

Who could miss the entrance to this very famous restaurant?

The giant chicken mascot watching over the restaurant.

The chicken Starbucks. We all ordered iced coffee to take with us in the van for the trip back to Bangkok.
Overall; a really great place to have lunch. Its so unusual, easy going and the food is great. The staff was very friendly and the total bill for lunch for ten people (we ordered twice each dish) was ridiculously cheap. If you are ever Sree Racha, do try this place out...well actually, you might not have a choice since there is nothing else.
Moo Ban Hoop Born, Kao Kan Throng , Sree Racha, Chonburi
Contact Number : (038) 338-542, 08-1344-6288 และ 08-7235-9745
Opening Hour: 06.00-18.00 pm
That's right...everything is chicken! You will soon see the photos. The decor is very 70's, heavy wood chairs & tables. Nothing very exciting in terms of decor because as usual, the food is the main attraction.
The sign that says...this is the most famous place for chicken!
The first dish was roasted chicken. The chicken was very tender, moist and tasted very yummy.
The second dish was chicken with sweet Thai basil. This is one of my favourite dishes but here they prepared it a bit differently than usual. Instead of mincing the chicken, the chicken came in big chunks. But that did not change the fact that this dish was so so good.
The next dish was stir fried vegetables with chicken. Nothing very special about this dish; but the vegetables were cooked nicely and they were very fresh.
The famous green & spicy sauce to dip the chicken. Amazingly tasty and spicy. My scalp was itching after every time I ate the chicken that was dipped into the sauce.
The next dish was deep fried chicken. The chicken was fried to a deep brown, it was very crispy but the inside was moist & tender. I do love fried foods and this was satisfying.
The next dish was chicken tom yum. The soup was hearty with so much chicken, mushrooms, bamboo, lemon grass, etc. The combination of sour, sweet, tangy and spicy was really great. The soup had loads of textures, colours and tastes. Simply wonderful.
The next dish was omelette. Another favourite comfort dish of mine. So so simple but yet so satisfying. The omelette was deep fried to a golden brown, slighty firm on the outside but so soft and tender on the inside.
The next dish was som tum (the only dish without chicken). We wanted som tum to go with the fried chicken. The som tum was a lovely blend of sour, sweet, tangy & spicy. As any som tum; tons of textures, colours and tastes. I can eat this everyday.
Even the restaurant has its own labeled chicken water.
The chillies that the staff cuts to make the famous sauce...ouch, those little green things looked spicy.
The candied pineapple for dessert.
Who could miss the entrance to this very famous restaurant?
The giant chicken mascot watching over the restaurant.
The chicken Starbucks. We all ordered iced coffee to take with us in the van for the trip back to Bangkok.
Overall; a really great place to have lunch. Its so unusual, easy going and the food is great. The staff was very friendly and the total bill for lunch for ten people (we ordered twice each dish) was ridiculously cheap. If you are ever Sree Racha, do try this place out...well actually, you might not have a choice since there is nothing else.
Moo Ban Hoop Born, Kao Kan Throng , Sree Racha, Chonburi
Contact Number : (038) 338-542, 08-1344-6288 และ 08-7235-9745
Opening Hour: 06.00-18.00 pm
Youyen (Hua Hin)
We met our other colleagues at the hotel to freshen up. It was dinner time and there was a dinner planned for us at one of the most popular and famous seafood restaurants in Hua Hin.

The restaurant is called Youyen.

The path way leading to the restaurant & sea.

The beach house that is actually the dessert area.

The restaurant next to the beach.

Some of the tables near the beach.

The first dish was Khao Pad Pu. The fried rice was cooked nicely; however I felt it was a bit too oily and a bit stingy on the crab meat. I have had better and I have worse.

The second dish was Steamed Egg Custard with Shrimp. The custards were interesting since I do not find these often in restaurants. The texture was soft & velvety. However; alone, the custards were very bland. I needed to add chili sauce to add flavour to the dish. They could have added herbs or spices to the custard.

The next dish was Massaman Nua Curry. The peanuts, potatoes & beef were tender. The massaman was rich, thick and had a very nice taste; but I felt the massaman was on the sweet side (which is not a good thing).

The next dish was Yum Woon Sen Talay. This dish had fresh seafood (very little of it); but the colurs, textures and flavour was very nice. A good combination of sour, sweet, tangy and spicy.

The next dish was Namprik Pu. I was a disappointed with this namprik. I should have not compared this crab namprik to my favourite one (a restaurant on the expressway heading to Hua Hin). This namprik could not compare at all; it was too watery and the crab was somehow missing.

The next dish was Pu Nim Tod. The soft crab was deep fried to a dark golden brown. The crab was slightly crispy and soft & tender inside. A nicely prepared dish.

The next dish was Pla Tod Nam-pla. I do love this dish and at Youyen, they did not disappoint because the fish was very fresh & deep fried to a light golden brown. The fish was moist & tender inside. The fish sauce flavour was apparent but not overwhelming (which is a good thing). Very nice!

The next dish was Yum Goong. The shrimps were fresh, plumb & firm. The flavours of garlic, lemon grass, chilies, mint, lime & fish sauce were fantastic.

The next dish was Steamed Prawns. The prawns were fresh, large, firm and juicy. A simple dish but always so so good.

The next dish was Tom Yum Pla. The tom yum had a good combination of sour, tangy, sweet and spicy taste. But what was nice of this tom yum was that it had a long finish of the sour & tangy taste. Very yummy.

The dessert was Sala loi kaew. This fruit is simply amazing; it is tart, sweet & sour all at the same time. A really refreshing way to end a meal.
Overall; the seafood was very fresh, cooked nicely and tasted pretty good. There were some misses but due to the lovely atmosphere of eating at a seaside restaurant; all those misses did not at all ruin my dinner.
Address: Naeb Khehars Road in front of Hua Hin soi 51
Tel.: 032-531-191 To 2.
Open daily 10:00 - 22:00
The restaurant is called Youyen.
The path way leading to the restaurant & sea.
The beach house that is actually the dessert area.
The restaurant next to the beach.
Some of the tables near the beach.
The first dish was Khao Pad Pu. The fried rice was cooked nicely; however I felt it was a bit too oily and a bit stingy on the crab meat. I have had better and I have worse.
The second dish was Steamed Egg Custard with Shrimp. The custards were interesting since I do not find these often in restaurants. The texture was soft & velvety. However; alone, the custards were very bland. I needed to add chili sauce to add flavour to the dish. They could have added herbs or spices to the custard.
The next dish was Massaman Nua Curry. The peanuts, potatoes & beef were tender. The massaman was rich, thick and had a very nice taste; but I felt the massaman was on the sweet side (which is not a good thing).
The next dish was Yum Woon Sen Talay. This dish had fresh seafood (very little of it); but the colurs, textures and flavour was very nice. A good combination of sour, sweet, tangy and spicy.
The next dish was Namprik Pu. I was a disappointed with this namprik. I should have not compared this crab namprik to my favourite one (a restaurant on the expressway heading to Hua Hin). This namprik could not compare at all; it was too watery and the crab was somehow missing.
The next dish was Pu Nim Tod. The soft crab was deep fried to a dark golden brown. The crab was slightly crispy and soft & tender inside. A nicely prepared dish.
The next dish was Pla Tod Nam-pla. I do love this dish and at Youyen, they did not disappoint because the fish was very fresh & deep fried to a light golden brown. The fish was moist & tender inside. The fish sauce flavour was apparent but not overwhelming (which is a good thing). Very nice!
The next dish was Yum Goong. The shrimps were fresh, plumb & firm. The flavours of garlic, lemon grass, chilies, mint, lime & fish sauce were fantastic.
The next dish was Steamed Prawns. The prawns were fresh, large, firm and juicy. A simple dish but always so so good.
The next dish was Tom Yum Pla. The tom yum had a good combination of sour, tangy, sweet and spicy taste. But what was nice of this tom yum was that it had a long finish of the sour & tangy taste. Very yummy.
The dessert was Sala loi kaew. This fruit is simply amazing; it is tart, sweet & sour all at the same time. A really refreshing way to end a meal.
Overall; the seafood was very fresh, cooked nicely and tasted pretty good. There were some misses but due to the lovely atmosphere of eating at a seaside restaurant; all those misses did not at all ruin my dinner.
Address: Naeb Khehars Road in front of Hua Hin soi 51
Tel.: 032-531-191 To 2.
Open daily 10:00 - 22:00
'In the Mood for Love'
A foodie friend of ours wanted to try a new funky sushi bar in town. We are always game to try something new; so we decided to meet at 'In the Mood for Love'. A very unusual name for a sushi bar but at the same time very cool.

If you want something sexy, cool & exciting when it comes to sushi, this was the perfect setting for it. Soft blue lighting dominated the ceiling above the room, dark glassed walls and wicker lamps hanging above the sushi counter - the mood lighting recreated the setting of the 2000 film by Wong Kar-Wai which brought us back to Hong Kong in the 60s. So; I was definately wrong to expect something Japanese with a name like In the Mood for Love.
On top of all that; the menu had the most unusual, wacky & fun named sushi. Of course it took us a while to order because we had no idea what were ordering. We had to read each ingredient carefully to make sure what we were going to eat.

The amuse bouche was Elixir Oyster Shooter (260). This consisted of a fresh oyster with quail egg in sake with elixir juice. It was unique indeed; hard to describe since there is nothing else like it. But, the contrasting textures of the oyster & quail egg was a clever idea and at the same time the combination of sake & elixir tasted good.

The first roll was Green satin. Consisted of karikama, daikon, horenzo, avo, kaware and crab mixed and wrapped with cucumber. Even though there were a lot of ingredients to comprise this roll, I was not totally impressed with it. The roll was crafted nicely but I felt it was too bland.

The next roll was Sweet 16 (400 baht). This is one of the restaurant's signature roll. The roll consisted of eel, spicy tuna, avocado and topped with strawberries and shrimp roe. At first; I thought this was too weird and when I bit into the roll, I still thought it was too weird. The taste & sweetness of the strawberry was a good contrast of the savoury flavours in the roll. But I think I am a traditionalist when it comes to my sushi rolls.

The next roll was Guilty But Happy (360 baht) Shrimp tempura, ebiko, cream cheese, scallion, mayo and red sauce drizzle with wasabi mayo and nitsume sauce. The contrasting textures was nice in this roll as well as the tastes of the ingredients.

The next roll was Hole in the Wall (320 baht). The roll consisted of seared hotate, jalepeno, tobiko, & cucumbers skewed with avocados. The flavours of the roll were nicely balanced and I could tell from the textures & flavours what I was eating (which is a good thing).

The next roll was Rainbow roll (390 baht). Everything in the sushi bar was put into this sushi. That explains the explosion of colours & textures from this roll. The ingredients were fresh and the roll was good (not the best in town but non-the-less, pretty good).

The next dish was Hirame ponzu (560 baht). Thinly sliced hirame with lemon and ponzu sauce. The hirame was sliced to paper thin perfection. The lemon & ponzu sauce added the necessary acidity and saltiness to the sweet fish. A simple but very nice dish.

The last dish was Aikamo Toban (260 baht). Pan fried duck breast with bunno sauce. The duck was of good quality. The bunno sauce was not sweet (which was a good thing). However; the duck was a bit over cooked making it chewy.

The first dessert was Green tea ice cream (120 baht). The ice cream was smooth, creamy and rich in green tea flavour. Nothing to complain about with this dessert.
Overall; a very hip & cool place to hang out due to the ambiance, decor & vibe. Unique for Bangkok but in a very good way. The service however was unattentive because the restaurant was full; but I would not use that as an excuse. The management has to teach their staff to be more concerned with the customers needs. There were staff who were just standing around but on the other side of the restaurant the whole evening. I had to wave to get their attention all the time to either ask for the menu, pour our sake or to clean our table since new dishes were arriving, etc.. This was not good.
As for the food; it was good but not outstanding. The sushi was imaginative and was aesthetically very nice. But since they combined so many ingredients into their sushi, they could pay more attention to detail when it comes to making the sushi. The ingredients that go into the sushi should not only be the freshest & best quality but also have the right colours, textures & consistency since that is the very first thing we will notice & taste. The food had a few hits but also a few misses. At these prices; I would rather they have more hits.
Honestly; I will probably forget about this restaurant unless someone brings it up. But, then again, who cares if I don't go to this restaurant. I am sure that 'In the Mood for Love' has a very strong following.
9/9 Sukhumvit soi 36
Bangkok, 10110
Tel.: 02-661-5076
BTS: Thonglor
If you want something sexy, cool & exciting when it comes to sushi, this was the perfect setting for it. Soft blue lighting dominated the ceiling above the room, dark glassed walls and wicker lamps hanging above the sushi counter - the mood lighting recreated the setting of the 2000 film by Wong Kar-Wai which brought us back to Hong Kong in the 60s. So; I was definately wrong to expect something Japanese with a name like In the Mood for Love.
On top of all that; the menu had the most unusual, wacky & fun named sushi. Of course it took us a while to order because we had no idea what were ordering. We had to read each ingredient carefully to make sure what we were going to eat.
The amuse bouche was Elixir Oyster Shooter (260). This consisted of a fresh oyster with quail egg in sake with elixir juice. It was unique indeed; hard to describe since there is nothing else like it. But, the contrasting textures of the oyster & quail egg was a clever idea and at the same time the combination of sake & elixir tasted good.
The first roll was Green satin. Consisted of karikama, daikon, horenzo, avo, kaware and crab mixed and wrapped with cucumber. Even though there were a lot of ingredients to comprise this roll, I was not totally impressed with it. The roll was crafted nicely but I felt it was too bland.
The next roll was Sweet 16 (400 baht). This is one of the restaurant's signature roll. The roll consisted of eel, spicy tuna, avocado and topped with strawberries and shrimp roe. At first; I thought this was too weird and when I bit into the roll, I still thought it was too weird. The taste & sweetness of the strawberry was a good contrast of the savoury flavours in the roll. But I think I am a traditionalist when it comes to my sushi rolls.
The next roll was Guilty But Happy (360 baht) Shrimp tempura, ebiko, cream cheese, scallion, mayo and red sauce drizzle with wasabi mayo and nitsume sauce. The contrasting textures was nice in this roll as well as the tastes of the ingredients.
The next roll was Hole in the Wall (320 baht). The roll consisted of seared hotate, jalepeno, tobiko, & cucumbers skewed with avocados. The flavours of the roll were nicely balanced and I could tell from the textures & flavours what I was eating (which is a good thing).
The next roll was Rainbow roll (390 baht). Everything in the sushi bar was put into this sushi. That explains the explosion of colours & textures from this roll. The ingredients were fresh and the roll was good (not the best in town but non-the-less, pretty good).
The next dish was Hirame ponzu (560 baht). Thinly sliced hirame with lemon and ponzu sauce. The hirame was sliced to paper thin perfection. The lemon & ponzu sauce added the necessary acidity and saltiness to the sweet fish. A simple but very nice dish.
The last dish was Aikamo Toban (260 baht). Pan fried duck breast with bunno sauce. The duck was of good quality. The bunno sauce was not sweet (which was a good thing). However; the duck was a bit over cooked making it chewy.
The first dessert was Green tea ice cream (120 baht). The ice cream was smooth, creamy and rich in green tea flavour. Nothing to complain about with this dessert.
Overall; a very hip & cool place to hang out due to the ambiance, decor & vibe. Unique for Bangkok but in a very good way. The service however was unattentive because the restaurant was full; but I would not use that as an excuse. The management has to teach their staff to be more concerned with the customers needs. There were staff who were just standing around but on the other side of the restaurant the whole evening. I had to wave to get their attention all the time to either ask for the menu, pour our sake or to clean our table since new dishes were arriving, etc.. This was not good.
As for the food; it was good but not outstanding. The sushi was imaginative and was aesthetically very nice. But since they combined so many ingredients into their sushi, they could pay more attention to detail when it comes to making the sushi. The ingredients that go into the sushi should not only be the freshest & best quality but also have the right colours, textures & consistency since that is the very first thing we will notice & taste. The food had a few hits but also a few misses. At these prices; I would rather they have more hits.
Honestly; I will probably forget about this restaurant unless someone brings it up. But, then again, who cares if I don't go to this restaurant. I am sure that 'In the Mood for Love' has a very strong following.
9/9 Sukhumvit soi 36
Bangkok, 10110
Tel.: 02-661-5076
BTS: Thonglor
Nong Mon Market
The most famous food market: Nong Mon Market; where you can practically buy anything your heart desires to eat.
This market is located on Sukhumvit Road along the way to Bang Saen. Nong Mon Market offers a vast variety of locally produced seafood products such as fish, squid, and shrimp, both fresh and preserved. In addition, sweets and other local sweetmeats are also popular.

The most awesome deep fried crab rolls. We had to wait for 15 minutes to actually order some because there was a long queue of people. We had to start giving the 'evil eye' to some customers who arrived and tried to cut the queue. Apparently; my 'evil eye' worked because they waited their turn. The crab rolls were deep fried to a dark golden brown. They were a solid mass of crab which tasted so good. We ate the whole box of a dozen in the car.

Fresh coconut juice...always so refreshing and tasty. To refresh ourselves from the drive to Sattahip; coconut juice is always the perfect answer instead of Coca cola. It is just so pure & tasty. And of course cost nothing.

A huge pot of freshly steamed Hor mok (steamed fish mousse in banana leaf). I did not want to buy any because we were on our way to have lunch. But; oh boy was I tempted.

Tons & tons & tons of dried squid and shrimp (and other strange dried stuff). We could smell these items already a few meters away. A pungent smell of sea critters. Just lovely.

The most amazing cakes..fresh out of the oven...I am not joking. The ovens are in front view and we witnessed all the yummy cakes being taken out of the oven. The only problem with these very popular cakes is that there were a dozen types to choose from. Making my life more difficult! There are cakes filled with coconut, cashew, taro, custard, etc. and as well as plain. Which one, which one??? I chose the one with coconut and one with cashew.

I bought a few of these...Khao larm (sticky rice in bamboo), I bought two purple rice & two white rice. I can never resist. Another hap hazard in my life. I love these hollow bamboos stuffed with sticky rice & coconut cream. Damn they are so good.

We arrived at our destination. We were taken to this restaurant by a foodie friend many years ago. I was surprised that we found it again. The place is open air and very simply decorated.

The first dish was Squid in lemon sauce. The squid were so fresh, plumb and firm. Because the squid was sauteing in the most delicious lemon soup; the squid was tender & juicy. The perfect combination of tangy, salty, spicy and sweet made this dish so so awesome.

The next dish was Wing bean salad. The wing beans were accompanied with dried fish and cashews. The salad had so much texture and tasted so so good.

The next dish was Crab fried rice. I looovvveee fried rice even though I know it has to be one of the most unhealthy dishes on earth for me. However; the crab fried rice was absolutely devine. First of all it was not oily; which is a huge plus for me. There was an abundance of crab which is another huge plus. The rice also had egg, tomato and some greens. With a dash of fish sauce & chili; this dish was perfect.

The next dish was Fried fish with fish sauce. Boy do I love fried fish with fish sauce and this dish did not disappoint. The fish was deep fried perfectly; the outside was crispy and the inside was tender & moist. The fish sauce added the wonderful flavour to the dish. Heavenly.

The lovely garden sitting area of the restaurant.
Overall; a great stop for seafood whenever you are in the Chonburi area. Everything was simple and good; that includes the service, the atmosphere and definately the food. I still do not know how restaurants do it in Thailand. Our whole meal only cost 600 baht; and we got the freshest of seafood that was cooked perfectly and tasted wonderful. No matter how they do it; I hope they keep doing it forever.
This market is located on Sukhumvit Road along the way to Bang Saen. Nong Mon Market offers a vast variety of locally produced seafood products such as fish, squid, and shrimp, both fresh and preserved. In addition, sweets and other local sweetmeats are also popular.
The most awesome deep fried crab rolls. We had to wait for 15 minutes to actually order some because there was a long queue of people. We had to start giving the 'evil eye' to some customers who arrived and tried to cut the queue. Apparently; my 'evil eye' worked because they waited their turn. The crab rolls were deep fried to a dark golden brown. They were a solid mass of crab which tasted so good. We ate the whole box of a dozen in the car.
Fresh coconut juice...always so refreshing and tasty. To refresh ourselves from the drive to Sattahip; coconut juice is always the perfect answer instead of Coca cola. It is just so pure & tasty. And of course cost nothing.
A huge pot of freshly steamed Hor mok (steamed fish mousse in banana leaf). I did not want to buy any because we were on our way to have lunch. But; oh boy was I tempted.
Tons & tons & tons of dried squid and shrimp (and other strange dried stuff). We could smell these items already a few meters away. A pungent smell of sea critters. Just lovely.
The most amazing cakes..fresh out of the oven...I am not joking. The ovens are in front view and we witnessed all the yummy cakes being taken out of the oven. The only problem with these very popular cakes is that there were a dozen types to choose from. Making my life more difficult! There are cakes filled with coconut, cashew, taro, custard, etc. and as well as plain. Which one, which one??? I chose the one with coconut and one with cashew.
I bought a few of these...Khao larm (sticky rice in bamboo), I bought two purple rice & two white rice. I can never resist. Another hap hazard in my life. I love these hollow bamboos stuffed with sticky rice & coconut cream. Damn they are so good.
We arrived at our destination. We were taken to this restaurant by a foodie friend many years ago. I was surprised that we found it again. The place is open air and very simply decorated.
The first dish was Squid in lemon sauce. The squid were so fresh, plumb and firm. Because the squid was sauteing in the most delicious lemon soup; the squid was tender & juicy. The perfect combination of tangy, salty, spicy and sweet made this dish so so awesome.
The next dish was Wing bean salad. The wing beans were accompanied with dried fish and cashews. The salad had so much texture and tasted so so good.
The next dish was Crab fried rice. I looovvveee fried rice even though I know it has to be one of the most unhealthy dishes on earth for me. However; the crab fried rice was absolutely devine. First of all it was not oily; which is a huge plus for me. There was an abundance of crab which is another huge plus. The rice also had egg, tomato and some greens. With a dash of fish sauce & chili; this dish was perfect.
The next dish was Fried fish with fish sauce. Boy do I love fried fish with fish sauce and this dish did not disappoint. The fish was deep fried perfectly; the outside was crispy and the inside was tender & moist. The fish sauce added the wonderful flavour to the dish. Heavenly.
The lovely garden sitting area of the restaurant.
Overall; a great stop for seafood whenever you are in the Chonburi area. Everything was simple and good; that includes the service, the atmosphere and definately the food. I still do not know how restaurants do it in Thailand. Our whole meal only cost 600 baht; and we got the freshest of seafood that was cooked perfectly and tasted wonderful. No matter how they do it; I hope they keep doing it forever.
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