Thursday, January 20, 2011

Change Management ....

Only Thing That is Constant is “Change”

Changes take place in:

  • Economy
  • Markets
  • Customers
  • Competition
  • Technology
  • Product life cycle
  • Product design, diversity and complexity
  • Capital intensiveness
  • Supply chain
  • Channels of distribution
  • Quality requirements
Managing Change: Definitions

  • Proactive and anticipative change management: This refers to the making of changes in a planned or systematic fashion. It involves effectively implementing new initiatives, systems and methods in an ongoing organization. The changes to be managed lie within and are controlled by the organization.
  • Reactive change management: The internal changes in the organization are triggered by events originating outside the organization, by the environment. It is response to the changes over which the organization has little or no control (e.g. legislation, social and political upheaval, competitors' actions, shifting economic tides and currents and so on).
  • In both, proactive and reactive change management, organizations use the models, methods and techniques, tools, skills, and other forms of knowledge.
What, Why and How of Change Management
Change management or managing change has to have answers to three basic questions:
  • What change(s) are needed,
  • Why do we need that/those change(s) and
  • How to implement the change(s).
Stages of Change Management
Management of conceptualizing, planning and implementation of change(s) has three basic stages:
  1. Unfreezing
  2. Changing
  3. Refreezing
The elements involved in these three stages are: plans, strategies, structures, systems, methods, people and mindsets, techniques and tools etc.
Competencies/Skills Required for Managing Changes
  • Business skills
  • Commercial skills
  • Political skills
  • People skills
  • System skills
  • Analytical skills
  • Project management skills
Change Process
  • Create or establish need of change
  • The need of change must exceed its resistance
  • Shape a vision
  • Mobilize commitment
  • Make change that lasts
  • Monitor Progress
  • Review, control and correct

1 comment:

  1. Much informative post dear author, I'd really like too know more about you all related to kaizen training, lean system and much more!
